Comments that the gov't should focus on other 'harmful' things IMO is scary! It represents the acceptance of 'gov't' control! On the surface, giving up FREEDOM in exchange for security is historically a false choice! Moreover, referencing gov't sadly misses the mark! "Gov't" is a necessary evil, an entity with a big hammer that's ALWAYS looking for nails to pound! Those 'nails' being representations of our remaining FREEDOMS! And the "gov't" weilding the hammer(s) is know-nothing power-mad losers and incompetents who couldn't compete in the market place of employment where merit, productivity are qualifiers. WE ARE DEEP INTO GOV'T CONTROL HAVING ACCEPTED THE EXCHANGE OF FREEDOM FOR SECURITY NOW HAVING NEITHER! ITS NOT THE PLACE OF GOV'T TO CONTROL FREE PEOPLES! TAKE BACK OUR ELECTIONS, OUR BORDERS, OUR CARS, OUR CONTROL!