Final Fantasy was Playstation exclusive for quite some time before the Ps360 era, so to some of us that have been around for more than 1 decade, not only nothing new but some may even say "back to how it should be.
After taking certain Bethesday/Zenimax games for themselves, serves them right as far as I'm considered.
If Microsoft really wanted more first and second party titles, there are LOADS of studios with many ideas that their current publishers arent letting them roll with, either unadulterated, if at all. Those guys probably would love to become a part of MS considering the support and more than likely, better freedom to do their own passion projects between the "big ones."
Instead they're playing games where an infant can call them out on. I don't feel bad for MS. Activision has a few (boatload of) lessons to learn, and lord knows a few of their IPs would work better without them dictating, but not only do I doubt that MS would be the saving grace for those odd studios, Activision isn't exactly a small player overall.
You just don't do that! Studios are one thing, especially if their stuff is solid and on the roulette table as far as where it would end up as it is, but not a whole HUGE publisher! They shot themselves in the foot with Bethesda. Simple! I'm all about the deal being blocked by regulators on that point alone (something that the mobs seem to overlook for some mind boggling reason)
Activision houses WAAAAAY more than the COD studios guys.