On top of what _MT_ said, the other reason wireless is a far way from completely replacing wired, if that will ever happen, is stability. It doesn't matter how fast it is, if the signal isn't 100% stable, as it is with a cable, and if the antennae aren't well done on portable devices, it's not going to provide a stable enough connection. My laptop has WiFi 6, I have it connected to an enterprise-grade AC AP with plenty of speed (800/1733 Mbps) that's literally a few feet away on the other side of a wall, yet I have constant issues with the speed going up and down and with latency. I tried two other APs and a USB WiFi adapter in the laptop, and no matter what, I had these issues. In a previous setup, with an enterprise-grade wireless router that has very good range, I wasn't able to stream videos from my desktop to a tablet a couple rooms and about 25' away. Wired is just far superior, period, and while wireless is getting better, it's no replacement.