The fact that Samsung's chip draws only 4.4W and not more is proof that the real issue is not the lack of performance but the restrictions that were put in place to not let it go even close to the SD chip. It's a new thing Samsung tried and I'm pretty sure they're working as we speak to overcome these issues.
In the end, the Exynos chip uses almost 30% less power and the numbers it puts out are pretty expected because of that. Qualcomm allowed thier Gen 1 to go to the limit. But they've just been improving upon the previous generation. They haven't strayed from their path and that gives them a better control over what to expect from their product. Samsung on the other hand is pretty much still experimenting. But I'm pretty sure they'll release a few patches in the near future to address this "end of the world matter", as people have been making it seem in the last few weeks. What's promising is that power draw. There's 30% more power it could put to good use and only when it reaches that point can we see the real difference between the 2 chips.
Until then we can only wait and see. But things will improve