Quote from: John H on October 29, 2019, 05:08:55
This is such a lazy article. Repeatedly blames LG for late software updates without mentioning Samsung have a similar history and blames LG repeatedly before throwing out in the last paragraph of the piece that as every other mobile network has updated so it must actually be a Sprint issue - who are known for their snails pace of firmware updates.
You're better then this - please quit the misleading introductions and last minute spin and structure that reveals the truth last.
- The Galaxy Note 9 received Pie back in, what, February?
- All Samsung models typically receive updates. Regardless of whose fault it is--LG or Sprint--this is shambolic performance, and both sides should receive some blame.
- You're having a laugh if you think Samsung's update history is anywhere near as bad as LG's. Most G7 users are still on Oreo, while all S9 users got Pie in January.
Thanks for reading.